The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database or IPSND collects serial numbers of pinball machines and publishes a database of these on the Internet. Our goal is to make available a registration of all pinball machines in existence and allow tools for slicing, dicing and visualization of the data.

Games: 6,703  Serials: 72,048  Visitors: 85,886,578  Members: 5,892  Photos: 47,391  Lat/Lng: 40,545  Masks: 72,048(1,074.86%)  Traits: 579  Nudges: 240,284  Backglasses: 1,865
  Most Serials: Twilight Zone(1,380)  Most Submissions: Dennis Braun(6,202)  Most Points: Dennis Braun(46,167)  Highest Quality: The Knight(17.00)  Most Nudges: pinballservice-nl(31,106)

All Manufacturers:

Manufacturer# of Games# of Serials
21st Century Entertainment11
A & A Design Group, of Argentina (2004)11
A & M Vending Machine Co. (1932)31
A. G. Sebring Corporation, of Chicago, Illinois10
A. Hankin & Co. (Australia) (1978-1981)58
A. J. Stephens and Co. (1932)50
A. L. Randall Company, Standard Games Dept.30
A. M. Amusement Games (1932)40
A. M. Watzer Co. (1932)30
A. S. Douglis & Co. (1932)10
A. W. & Co., of Marburg, Germany10
A. Zapp Mfg. Co. (1932)10
A.B.C. Coin Machine Co. (1932)20
A.B.T. Manufacturing Co. (1923-1962)323
A.M.I (Italy) (1975-1977)101
Abbott Specialties Corp., of New York, New York10
Ace Mfg. Co. (1932)10
Ace Novelty Co., The (1932)50
Achille and Chalvignac10
Acme Coin Machine Mfg. Co. (1948)10
Acorn Vending Company, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA10
Ad-Lee Company, of Chicago, Illinois, USA20
ADP Automaten GmbH, of Germany10
Advance Amusement Co., of Los Angeles, California (1935)10
Advance Automatic Machine and Device Company10
Advance Automatic Machine Company, of Britain (1932)21
Advertising Craft Ltd.10
Advertising Posters Company60
Agamco, Inc., of Novi, Michigan24
Aisch & Melchers KG, of Bochum, West Germany (1960-1972)41
Alben (France) (1958-1964)181
Alfred Druschky30
All American Amusements (1987-1988)20
All American Games Co. (1936)20
Allied Amusements Mfg. Co. (1934-1935)61
Allied Leisure Industries, Inc. (1972-1979)1946
Allswell Mfg. Co. (1932)10
Alvin G. and Company (1992-1994)13111
American Amusement & Mfg. Co., Inc.11
American Amusement Co. (1932)30
American Engineering Co., of Cambridge, Massachusetts10
American Games Engineering Co., of Cambridge, Massachusetts10
American Home Entertainment21
American Mills and Mfg. Co. (1932)10
American Pinball Inc., of Streamwood, Illinois4102
American Sales Corp. (1932-1933)20
American Sales Promotion Company10
American Scale Mfg. Co. (1933)10
Amusematic Corporation30
Amusement Corporation of America (1932)10
Amusement Enterprises Mfg. Co., of Houston, Texas (1946)10
Amusement Industries, Inc., of Youngstown, Ohio10
Amusement Machine Corporation of America, Ltd., of Hollywood10
Amusement Machine Corporation, Ltd., of Los Angeles, CA10
Amusement Novelty Supply (1935)20
Apple Time10
Arcadia Novelty Company, of England10
Arco (1942)31
Arco Falc S.R.L., of Milan, Italy20
Arkon (Germany) (1980-1982)33
Arlington Sales (1932)20
Artistic Novelty Works (1932)10
Artists and Creators Guild Inc. (1932)55
Astro Games Inc. (1979)24
Atari, Inc. (1976-1983)17193
Atlas Indicator Works Inc. (1931-1932)61
Atlas Mfg. Co. (1932)10
Australian Poolette Co.10
Auto Bell Novelty Co. (1950-1962)40
Automat Games Co. (Chicago, IL) (1935)30
Automatenbau Paul Bohlmann, of Berlin, Germany10
Automatic Amusement Company10
Automatic Amusements Co. (1932-1935)140
Automatic Engineering Corp. (1935)30
Automatic Games Co. (Inglewood, CA) (1933)10
Automatic Games Co. (St. Paul, MN) (1932-1935)10
Automatic Industries, Inc. (1931-1936)96
Automatic Industries, Ltd.20
Automatic Jobbers Association, Inc. (1932-1933)10
Automaticos C.M.C., of Zaragoza, Spain10
Automaticos MonteCarlo, of Spain10
Automave Servicios Sociedad Annima, of Madrid30
Autronic Handels GmbH10
B & L Co.10
B. G. Melton and Co. (1932)10
Baker Amusement Machine Co., of Weatherford, Texas10
Baker Machine & Plating Company, Incorporated10
Baker Novelty and Mfg. Co. (1939-1941)141
Baker-Case Manufacturing Company11
Ball Products (1943-1944)80
Ballota GMBH40
Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983) 68711925
Bally Midway Mfg. Co. (1983-1988) 31569
Bally Wulff (Germany) (1986-1987)1219
Barni, of Barcelona, Spain30
Barok Co. (1931-1932)30
Bay City Games, Inc. (1932)10
Bay-Tek Games, Incorporated, of Pulaski, Wisconsin10
Beger Mfg. Co. (1936)10
Bell Coin Matic (Italy)41
Bell games (Italy)1412
BEM, of Milano, Italy50
Bensa (Milan, Italy) (1974)50
Bera Automatenfabrik, of Berlin, Germany10
Better Games Co. (Flint, MI) (1933)22
Beverator Company (1935)10
Bill Port (Madrid, Spain)60
Bill's Novelty Co. (1932)10
Billares Cordoba (Antonio Cordoba), of Barcelona, Spain20
Billares Quevedo, of Madrid, Spain20
Bingo Novelty Mfg. Co. (1931-1932)130
Binks Industries, Inc.20
Birmingham Vending Company20
Block Marble Co. (1948)40
Bonzini et Soprans20
Boyle Amusement Co. (1932)30
Briarwood, Div. Of Brunswick Mfg. Co. (1976-1977)1018
Bridget Mfg. Co. (1932)20
British American Novelty Company, of London, England
(1933) [Trade Name: B.A.N.C.]
Broadway Novelty Co.10
Bromley, Inc.44
Brooklyn Amusement Machine Co, of Brooklyn, New York, USA10
Brunswick Mfg. Co. (1932-1980)943
Buckley Mfg. Co. (1932-1936)111
Burrows (1935)20
Butler Specialty Co. (1932)10
C & S Novelty (1945)10
C. & D. Manufacturing Company10
C. D. Fairchild Amusement Machine Corp. (1931)20
C. E. Hoagland, of Los Angeles, California, USA (1935)40
C. F. Eckhart & Co. (1933-1935)30
C.E.A. Electronics Corporation (Bologna, Italy) (1977-1979)72
Caille Bros. (1901)20
Caille-Schiemmer Co. (1901)20
Caldwell Novelty Co., of Lenoir, North Carolina20
California Exhibit Co. (1935)90
California Games Company10
California Games, Inc. (1934-1935)51
Capcom Coin-Op, Inc. (1995 - 12/9/1996) 8143
Carlson Manufacturing Company, of Chicago, Illinois, USA10
Carnival Supply Co. (1932)10
Carrohart Specialty Company, of Chicago, Illinois, USA20
Cedes S.A.(Barcelona, Spain)30
Central Manufacturing Co.10
Centralmatic Lombarda, of Milano, Italy10
Centro Matic S.A. (Spain) (1973-1978)81
Century Consolidated Industries Company22
Century Games Limited (San Jose, CA.)10
Century Mfg. Co. (1934)40
Champion Games (Beverly, MA)20
Charles Marshall Gravatt12
Chester-Pollard Amusement Co., Inc., of New York, New York40
Chicago Coin Machine Mfg. Co. (1932-1977)269522
Chicago Coin Machinery Company, of Chicago, Illinois10
Chicago Vending Co. (1934)10
Churchill Cabinet (2003) 8785
CIC Play (Barcelona, Spain)20
Cipriano Martinez Cembrano, of Zaragoza, Spain [Trade Name: CMC]10
Cisco Co. Inc. (1932)20
Clinton Berle Allen, of Shepherd, Michigan10
CMC Cresmatic, Sociedad Limitada, of Spain10
Co-Operative Amusement Co., of Los Angeles, California (1934)10
Coast Coin Machine Co. (1933)20
Coin Concepts, Incorporated (1994)10
Coin Device Mfg. Co. Inc., of Syracuse, New York11
Coin Game Mfg. Co. (1932)10
Coincraft Corp. (1935)21
Coinomatic Corp. (1932)10
Coleco Industries, Inc., of West Hartford, Connecticut50
Collins Entertainment, Inc., of Greenville, South Carolina10
Colonial Specialties Company50
Comet, of Dijon, France10
Como Mfg. (1951)10
Compagnie Industrielle Des appareils Automatiques20
Comptoir Industriel De Fabrication Pour L'Automatique10
Creative Products, of Downers Grove, Illinois10
Culp Products Company40
D. Gottlieb & Co. (1931-1977) 5316852
D. Gottlieb & Co., a Columbia Pictures Industries Company893778
D. Robbins and Co. (1932-1936)40
Dallas Novelty Company Incorporated, of Dallas, Texas, USA20
Dallas Novelty Sales Co. Inc. (1932)30
Dama S.R.L. (Milan, Italy) (1970)171
Data East USA, Inc. (1987-1994)412541
Daval Mfg Co. Inc., G.B. (1934-1939)565
Day One Pinball Manufacturing, of Huntley, Illinois, USA10
De-Ta Corporation, of Los Angeles, California10
Delmar Manufacturing Company, of New York, New York, USA10
DeLo Specialty Co., of Ithaca, New York10
Deluxe Amusement Co. (1932-1934)40
Dennard-Williams & Dennard (Henderson, Texas) (1933)10
Design Plus Industries, of Peoria, Illinois10
Device Mfg. Inc. (1932)10
Dewey Coin Machine Company10
Ditta Artigiana Ricambi10
Ditta Ripepi s.p.a. (Messina, Italy) (1976)10
Diverama, of So Paulo, Brazil30
Dixie Music Co. (1932-1933)40
Donald E Hooker, of Los Angeles, California, USA (1934)10
Dudley-Clark Co. (1934)50
Dudouit Fils, of Paris, France (1932)10
Dutch Pinball, of Reuver, The Netherlands453
Dyscus Mfg. Co. (1932)10
E. E. Junior Mfg. Co. (1932)30
E. G. S. (Italy) (1981)10
E. Grulet & Cie10
E. Hood and Company10
E. M. Marchant (France) (1952-1959)60
E. P. Johnson Mfg. Co. (1932)10
E.M. & H. Co., of Geneva, Illinois10
Eagle Sheet Metal Manufacturing Co., of Chicago, Illinois10
Earl & Koehler Manufacturing Company, of Portland, Oregon10
Elbos Electronics, of Italy20
Electra Mfg. Co., of Kansas City, Missouri10
Electro Black Diamond Double Pin Table Co. (1933)10
Electro-Ball Company, of Dallas, Texas, USA40
Electromatic Brasil40
Electromaton, Inc.10
Elettrocoin (Italy) (1966)113
Empire Novelty Co., of Syracuse, New York (1932)10
Empire Wood Working Co. (1932)10
Enid Mint Company, of Enid, Oklahoma20
Erich Buttner, of Leipzig, Germany40
Esso Manufacturing Corp., of Hoboken, New Jersey10
Europa Coin10
European Automaten Service, of Germany11
Europlay (Italy)152
Eusebio Martinez Garcia, of Spain30
Ewen, White & Co., Ltd., of London, England10
Excels (1936)10
Exhibit Supply Co. (1932-1957) 15751
Exidy Inc. (1974)10
F. W. Wettzel Novelty Works (1939)10
Fabulous Fantasies, of Tarzana, California21
Falls Manufacturing Company, of Youngstown, Ohio, USA10
Fantasy Games, Inc.11
Fascination Int., Inc. (1977-1979)437
Firestone Enterprises, Inc.10
Fischer, a Division of Questor Manufacturing Company11
Fisher & Coe Mfg. Co. (1933)10
Fiveteen Pool, of Italy10
Fliperbol, of So Paulo, Brazil (1980-1982)10
Fliptronic (Holland) (Mfg by Rally) (1967-1969)10
Forster Manufacturing (Furth, West Germany)20
France Jouets10
FRANGAL-AIR Industrie, of Landas, France10
Fred W. Kramer Amusements Co. (1932)10
Frees Bros., of Chicago, Illinois10
Froom Laboratories, Inc., of Youngstown, Ohio (1936)40
Fßbrica de Aparatos Electro Mecßnicos Recreativos, S.L70
Fun Industries, Inc., of Moline, Illinois10
G. M. Laboratories, Inc. (1935-1936)80
G.B. Daval Company Inc., of Chicago, Illinois (1934-1934)20
Gamages of Houlborn10
Game Plan, Inc. (1978-1985)26193
Game-O-Golf Mfg. Co., Inc., of Chicago, Illinois10
Gamecol Animation Technology Co., Ltd., of Guangzhou, China10
Games, Incorporated160
Gatter Mfg. Co. (1932)10
Gatter Novelty Company20
Gee Bee Manufacturing. Co. (1933-1934) 30
Geiger-Automatenbau GMBH (Germany) (1981)113
Genco Mfg. Co. (1931-1957)20472
General Automatic Amusements (Belgium)70
General Novelty Mfg. Co. (1933)20
General Vending Sales Corporation, of Baltimore, Maryland11
Geordan Corporation10
George Ponser Co., of Chicago, Illinois10
Gerber & Glass Distributing Company, of Chicago, Illinois20
Gerber's Games Inc. (1932)10
Giepen Associates, Inc., of River Grove, Illinois11
Gillispie Games Co. (Long Beach, CA)20
Giorgio Massiero (Milan, Italy) (1976)30
Giuliano Lodola (1978-1981)92
Glickman Co. (1942-1944)20
Glickman Industries, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania180
Global VR, of San Jose, California14
Globe Mfg. Co. (1934-1935)40
Gotham Pressed Steel Corporation (1936)132
Grand Products Inc. (1986)40
Great Lakes (1947)10
Great Northern Chair Company20
Great States Mfg. Co. (1932)20
Groetchen Tool and Die Co. (1932)10
H & M Manufacturing Co. (1932-1933)10
H. B. Jackson Mfg. Co., of Seattle, Washington10
H. C. Evans & Co. (1935-1948)161
H. Derouin, of Paris, France10
H. P. Schafer, of Peoria, Illinois10
H. W. Goewey, of Baltimore, Maryland, USA10
Haggis Pinball, of Keysborough, Australia16
Ham, Jac Van (Tilburg, Holland) (1987)42
Hamilton Mfg. Co (1933)10
HanaHo Games, Inc.10
Hannahs Mfg. Co. (1937)10
Hawtins (British) (1946)10
Headsup Pinball, of Colleyville, Texas (2022)20
Heighway Pinball, Ltd., of Merthyr Tydfil, Wales, UK544
Hercules Novelty Company (1931-1932)100
Hi Ball Amusement Co., of Los Angeles, California10
Hi-Shot Mfg. Co. (1932)10
Hi-Skor Amusement Company, of Henderson, North Carolina10
Hispamatic, S.A., of Badalona, Spain10
Home Novelty and Sales Co. (1933)10
Homepin Ltd, of Shenzhen, China (2018)14
Hoopers' Automatics, of London, England10
Hoosier Games Company10
Houston Showcase and Mfg. Co. (1932-1933)40
Hutchison Engineering Company, of Nashville, Tennessee10
Hy C Enterprises10
I.D.I. (Italy)40
Iberomatic S.A.41
Ideal Steel Products Corp., of Chicago, Illinois10
Ideas y Diseos, Sociedad Annima, of Spain (1984-1991)31
Illinois Novelty Co.10
Illinois Pin Ball Inc. (2000-) 10
imem, of Salerno, Italy10
In and Outdoor Games Co. (1931-1932)40
Incredible Technologies, Incorporated10
Indoor Games of America, Inc., of Cincinnati, Ohio (1932)10
Industria Electromecßnica de Recreativos S.A4314
Innovative Concepts in Entertainment, Inc.23
Interflip S. A. (Spain) (1975)613
Internatinal Automatics30
International Concepts (1989)248
International Mutoscope Corporation10
International Mutoscope Reel Co., Inc. (1932-1936)110
International Playboard Company30
Irving Bromberg Co. (1932)30
Irving Kaye Co. Inc., of Brooklyn, New York20
J. Esteban, of So Paulo, Brazil61
J. F. Frantz Manufacturing Company, of Chicago, Illinois40
J. F. Linck Corp., of Milwaukee, Wisconsin10
J. F. Thomas10
J. H. Keeney and Co. Inc. (1931-1964)11921
J. H. Singer, of New York, New York, USA (0000-0000)30
J. Kammen10
J. Martina (France) (1968-1970)190
J. P. Seeburg Corp. (1932)40
Japanese Vending Machine Company10
Jay Screw Products Corporation (1932)10
JENSIgame S.E., of Malmö, Sweden10
Jersey Jack Pinball, Inc., of Elk Grove Village, Illinois (2020-now)6179
Jersey Jack Pinball, Inc., of Lakewood, New Jersey18428
Jeutel (France) (1981-1986)70
Jocmatic S.A., of Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain10
Joctronic S.A. (Tarragona, Spain) (1986-1987)31
John Ellson, of Albany, New York [Trade Name: Ellson]10
John Gille Company, of Belgium20
John Goodbody, of Rochester, New York10
Johnson and Johnson (1932)20
Jolux (France) (1969)10
Jon Norris10
Joseph Schneider Incorporated, of New York, USA (1935-1942)70
Juegos Populares (Spain) (1986)81
Jumaci (Madrid)40
K & F Specialty Co. (1933)10
K-A Manufacturing Co. (1932)10
K-T Mfg. Co. (1932)10
Kansas City Ball Table Company10
Karom Golf Table Corp. (1931)30
Keaon Corporation, of Taipei, Taiwan10
Keeney and Sons (1931-1932)71
Kenyon Mfg. Co., of Chicago, Illinois10
Keystone Engineering Company, of St. Louis, Missouri (1933)10
King Amusement Company10
King Game Factories (1932)30
King Pin Games Co., of Kalamazoo, Michigan10
King Products Company, of Los Angeles, California, USA20
Klebba Novelty Co. (1931-1932)10
Klode Shops10
KOALA, of England10
Komaya Co., Ltd., of Kobe, Japan80
Komplett Flipper (Germany) (A. H. Geiger Co.)10
Komputer Dynamics (1971)10
Kozak Specialty Co. (1933)10
Krazy Ball Manufacturing Co., of Los Angeles, California (1932)10
Kromson, of Zaragoza, Spain10
L and R Manufacturing Co. (Chicago, IL) (1935)20
L. B. Elliot Products Co. Inc., L.B. (1936-1937)40
Leisure & Allied Industries, of Perth, Australia830
Leon Tasken Co. (1936)10
Lin Up Mfg. Co. (1933)10
Lincoln Manufacturing Co. (Youngstown, Ohio) (1932)10
Lincoln Novelty Co. (1932)10
Lindstrom Tool and Toy Co. (1934)280
Lone Eagle Mfg. Co. (1933)10
LORI, of Bologna, Italy20
Los Angeles Games Co. (1934-1937)20
Louisville Novelty Mfg. Co. (1943)10
LTD, of Campinas, So Paulo, Brazil (1977-1984)191
Lucky Star Mfg. Co. (1932)40
Lucky Strike Mfg. Co. (1932)30
Lundick Mfg., Inc., of Youngstown, Ohio11
Lynwood Mfg. Co. (1932)10
M & T Sales Co.10
M. Redgrave Bagatelle Company (1885-1925)70
Maibesa, S.A., of Spain20
Major Automatics Co.20
Malaise Bury10
Mambelli, of Cesena, Italy20
Manhattan Sales Co. (1932)10
Manufacturas Automaticas Americanas (Barcelona, Spain)80
Maquinas Automaticas Computerizadas, S.A.61
Marble Games Co. (1931)10
Marbo Stimulator Co., Inc., of Hubbard, Ohio10
Marca (Spain)10
Maresa (Madrid, Spain)566
Markepp Mfg. Co. (1932)20
Marsa, of Spain10
Martel, of Spain20
Marvel Mfg. Co. (1944-1948)152
Marx Toys10
Mason and Co. (1932)20
Mattel Electronics Co. (1977)19
Max Jentzsch & Meerz Leipzig132
Mayoni Enterprises (1989)20
MC and D. (1948)20
Md, of Italy10
Meadows Games, Inc., of Sunnyvale, California10
Mecatronics, a.k.a. Taito (Brazil), a division of Taito20
Mechanical Mfg. Co. (1932)10
Melchers Automatenbau KG, of Viersen, West Germany10
Micropin Corp. (1979-1980)24
Midland Components, Ltd.10
Midway Manufacturing Co. (1959-1978) 3340
Midway Mfg. Co., a subsidiary of WMS Industries, Inc.448283
Midway Pattern Co. (1932)10
Midwest Sales Corp. (1932)11
Miller Cabinet Co. (1932)10
Mills Novelty Company (1932-1942)448
Mirco Games, Inc. (1975-1978)26
Mitsuba Sangyo Co., Ltd., of Tokyo, Japan10
Model Racing20
Mondialmatic (Florence, Italy) (1979)70
Monte Carlo Amusement Company10
Moorman Game Company, of New York, New York10
Mortimer Glass Company, of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA10
Mosley Vending Machine Exchange (1931-1932)30
Mr. Game (Bologna, Italy) (1988-1990)67
Multimorphic, Inc., of Austin, Texas (2017-now)71
Munves Mfg. Co. (1946)10
Myers Bros. Novelty Co., of Chillicothe, Missouri10
Mylstar Electronics, Inc. (1983-1984) 1290
Nash Manufacturing Company, of Boston, Massachusetts10
Nate Schneller Inc. (1949-1951) 142
Nation Wide Novelties, Inc., of Chicago, Illinois10
National Automatic Machine Co. (1931-1932)30
National Games11
National Pin Games Mfg. Co. (1932)10
Nelson Mfg. Co. (1936)10
Niemer S.A., of Barcelona, Spain10
Nihon Goraku Kabushikigaisha, of Japan10
Nondum S.A.L., of Barcelona, Spain11
Nordomatic (Verona, Italy) (1975-1979)122
North Star (Montreal, Canada)20
Northwest Amusement Co. (1933)10
Northwest Coin Machine Co. (1931-1932)71
Northwestern Mail Box Company11
Novamatic S.p.A. (Milan, Italy) (1970)10
Novelty Manufacturing Co., Inc., of Youngstown, Ohio10
Novomatic AG, of Gumpoldskirchen, Austria40
NSM Apparatebau KG, of Bingen, Germany10
NSM Lions (Bingen, Germany) aka Lowen (1985)63
Nu-Way Sales Company, of Muskogee, Oklahoma, USA (1932)10
Nuova Bell Games (Italy) (1985-1988)106
O-Lett-O Novelty Co.10
O. D. Jennings and Co. (1932-1938)4017
Olympian Games S.A., of Belgium10
Olympic Manufacturing Co.40
Osbrink Games Company10
P & S Machine Co. (1946)100
Pace Mfg. Co. Inc. (1932-1933)60
Pacent Novelty Mfg. Co. (1936-1937)10
Pacific Amusement Mfg. Co. (1932-1937)658
Pacific Mfg. Corp. (1937)51
Panter Gaming, of Ljubljana, Slovenia10
Parlor Table Company (1902)10
Pasini, of Bologna, Italy20
Pass-Time Table Company, Detroit, Michigan10
Peerless Products Company10
Peerless Sales and Products Co. (1932)11
Penn-Ohio Games Co.10
Pennsylvania Novelty Co. (1931)10
Penny Ante Amusements Co.10
Peo Mfg. Corp. (1932-1936)112
Pessers & Moody10
Pessers, Moody, Wraith, & Gurr10
Petaco (Madrid, Spain)513
Peter Betres, of Butler, Pennsylvania (1966) [Trade Name: Betco Products,
Phénix Pinball, of Vienne-le-Château, France10
Phillips Electronics, Ltd.11
Pickrum-Weaver Corporation, of New York, New York10
Pierce Tool and Mfg. Co. (1932-1935)60
Pin Ball Mfg. Co. (1975-1979)40
Pinball Brothers AB, of Örebro, Sweden (2021-now)115
Pinball Manufacturing Inc., a division of Illinois Pinball128
Pinball Shop, of Bologna, Italy40
Pinstar (1985-1986)40
Pioneer (1945)10
Planetary Pinball Supply, Inc., of San Jose, California10
PLAY-21 S.A., of Madrid, Spain10
Playbar s.a. (Barcelona, Spain)20
Playmatic (Barcelona, Spain) (1974-1985)7639
Playmec flippers (Bologna, Italy) (1975)20
Precision Automatics, Ltd.10
Premier Technology (1984-1996) 701978
Professional Pinball51
Prosperity Coin Machine Corporation (1932-1933)50
Puget Sound Novelty Company, of Seattle, Washington (1949)10
Quetzal Pinball, of Murcia, Spain (2016-now)20
R. & C. Company, of Providence, Rhode Island10
R.& H. Sales Company10
R.G. Kollmorgen, of Coldwater, Michigan10
R.H. Osbrink Manufacturing Co.10
R.M.G. (Bologna, Italy)151
Rally-Play Co. (France) (1962-1969)2310
Ramtek Corp., of Sunnyvale, California20
Rapid Pinball (Kent Town, S.A.)10
Recel S. A. (Madrid, Spain) (1974-1986)4492
Recreativos Franco (Madrid, Spain)132
Recreativos Invermatic, of Spain10
Red Baron Amusements (Australia)10
Regama Recreativos, of Madrid, Spain10
Reisinger Machine Works, Inc. (1932)10
Reith & Company, of Wüppertal, Germany10
Reliance Cabinet Co., Inc. (1932)10
Retro Pinball LLC22
Revolving Table Games Co., of Chicago, Illinois10
Rex Mfg. (1945)10
Rich Toys, Rich Manufacturing Company, of Morrison, Illinois20
Richard Mfg. Co. (1932)50
Richwine and Co. (1932)20
Riot Pinball, LLC, of St. Paul, Minnesota (2015)10
Ripepi, of Messina, Italy50
Ro-S-Co, of Canada10
Rock-ola Mfg. Corp. (1932-1938)5411
Rogers, Jack (France) (1959-1960)50
Roll-O Company (Rockaway, New York)10
Romagnoli, of Italy10
Roto Manufacturing10
Rotor Table Games Co, Inc. (1935)60
Rowamet, of Brazil (1980-1983)60
Roy McGinnis Co. (1944)30
Royal Ball Mfg. Co., of Youngstown, Ohio10
Royal Music Company, of Webster, Massachusetts, USA10
Royal Novelty Co. (1932-1934)101
Royal Play11
Rube Gross & Co.31
Sadem, of France (1964)10
Salmon (France) (1961)10
Salor, S.A.50
Sams Brothers Ltd., of Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire,
[Trade Name: Sams Bros Ltd]
Sankyo Seiki Kabushikigaisha, of Tokyo, Japan51
Sankyo Yuen Setsubi Kabushikigaisha, of Japan10
Satelite, of Spain10
Science Tech, Tdmk of Bowen Hill Ltd., of Hong Kong, China10
Scientific Machine Corp. (1934)171
Scott, Adickes & Cie, of Paris, France (1932-1934)60
Seaboard New York Corporation10
Sega (Tokyo, Japan) (1972-1978)2818
Sega of America, of Redondo Beach, California10
Sega Pinball, Inc. (American)22864
Segasa (Spain) (1972-1986)1624
Segasa d.b.a. Sonic (Spain)2156
Sheraton Crafts, of New York City, New York10
Shields, of Bridlington, U.K.20
Show Games (Belgium)80
Shyvers Automatic Coin Machine Co. (1934)141
Shyvers Manufacturing Company, of Seattle, Washington, USA10
Shyvers Mfg. Co. (1936-1937)80
Sicking Manufacturing Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA10
Siegfried Schumacher, of Germany10
Silver Star Mfg. Co. (1932-1933)30
Silver-Marshall, Inc. (1932)10
Simplex Phonograph Corp. (1932)10
SIRMO (Belgium)636
Skee-Ball, Inc.20
Skilgames, Inc., of Alliance, Ohio (1932)20
Skill-O Mfg. Co. (1931)10
Skillgame d.b.a. Renato Montanari Giochi, of Bologna, Italy52
Sky Show, of Italy10
SLEIC (Madrid, Spain) (1994-1996) 51
Smith Manufacturing Company, of Tampa, Florida, USA10
Snicker Table Co. (1931)20
SNK Corporation of America, of Sunnyvale, California10
Soc Elettrogiochi de Benedetti & Fagioli22
SOREX, of Belgium40
Southern Automatic Sales Co. (1932)10
Southland Engineering, Incorporated21
Southwest Game(s) Company, of St. Louis, Missouri20
Southwestern Novelty Co. (1933)10
Soyuzattraktsion, of Russia40
Specialty Mfg. Co. (1932)60
Specialty Sales Co. (1931)10
Specialty Sales Co., of Sioux City, Iowa10
Spinball (Spain) (1995-1996)311
Splin S.A., of Belgium231
Spooky Pinball LLC, of Benton, Wisconsin1093
Sport Matic, S.A., of Spain30
Square Amusement Co.10
Staal Society (France) (1977)21
Standard Amusement Co. (Beaumont, TX) (1932-1933)72
Standard Games Co. (1932)10
Standard Mfg. Co. (1932-1933)40
Standard Novelty Co.20
Star Machine Mfg., Inc. (1933)10
Stella Baby-Foot, of Tourcoing, France10
Sterling Mfg. Co. (1932-1933)10
Sterling Novelty Manufacturing Company30
Stern Electronics, Inc. (1977-1984) 391192
Stern Pinball, Inc. (1999-) 1676045
Stoner Mfg. Co. (1933-1941)7513
Success Games Co. (1932-1941)30
Success Manufacturing Corporation, of Chicago, Illinois, USA30
Sullivan-Nolan Advertising (1943)170
Suncoast Pinball, of Largo, Florida (2019-2019)10
Sunnisam Games Co. (1932) 10
Superior Amusement Company50
Superior Manufacturing Company20
Superior Products Co., of Chicago, Illinois10
Supreme Enterprises, of Brooklyn, New York20
Supreme Vending Co., Inc. (1932-1933)10
T and M Sales Co. (1948-1949)21
T. S. Halpin & Co. Ltd.10
T.H. Bergmann & Co. (Hamburg, Germany) (1952-1960)186
Tabart, Christian (France) (1987-1989)30
Taito (Japan)21
Taito America Corporation, of Elk Grove Village, Illinois24
Taito Do Brasil, a division of Taito, Japan327
Taiwan YuanMei Co., Ltd., of Taiwan10
Talleres de Automatico, S.A., of Madrid, Spain [Trade Name: TASA]10
Talleres de Llobregat S.A. [Automaticos] (Barcelona, Spain)292
Team Pinball, of Cardiff, Wales, UK (2018)12
Technoplay (San Marino, Italy) (1987-1989)50
Tennyson Manufacturing Company, of Chicago, Illinois, USA10
Texas Novelty Company, of Beaumont, Texas (1932)20
Thames Mfg. Co.31
The Ad-Lee Company, Inc. (1932-1935)80
The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company, of USA10
The Field Mfg. Co. (1931-1933)171
The Fred W. Stein Mfg. Co., of Atchison, Kansas10
The Garco Co., of Chicago, Illinois10
The Harry Hoppe Corp. (1939)10
The Henry W.T. Mali & Co., Inc. (1977)62
The Hoge Mfg. Co. Inc., of New York, USA10
The National Speciali-ty Company, of Youngstown, Ohio10
The Piffle Novelty Co.10
The Pinball Company, of Columbia, Missouri21
The Pinball Company, of Dörfles-Esbach, Germany10
The Pinball Factory10
The Rolo-Polo Company10
The Seidel Amusement Machine Company21
The Sharp-Boyd Company, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA40
The Shelden, Dickson & Steven Mfg. Co., of Omaha, Nebraska10
The Slot Construction Company B.V.B.A.71
The Valley Company, Subsidiary of Walter Kidde & Co., Inc.115
The Vending Machine Company, of Fayetteville, North Carolina32
The W. C. Peters Company11
The Whiz-Bo Mfg. Co., of Youngstown, Ohio10
The Yankee Amusement Co., of New Haven, Connecticut10
Ting-A-Ling Mfg. Co.10
Torres-Macarrón, of Madrid, Spain20
Treff Automaten (Germany)64
Trimount Coin Machine Co., of Boston, Massachusetts10
Try Me Mfg. Co. (1932)10
Tsunami Visual Technologies, Inc., of Fremont, California10
Tura Aotomatfabrik Gmbh (Leipzig, Germany)110
Twin City Novelty Co. (1932)10
U.S Tehkan Inc.10
U.S. Billiards, Inc., of Amityville, New York10
U.S. Woodcraft Corporation, of St. Louis, Missouri10
United Amusement Co. (1932)30
United Game Company, of Lincoln, Nebraska; Des Moines, Iowa10
United Manufacturing Company (Diversey)10
United Mfg. Co. (1942-1962)101104
United Profit Sales Company10
United Specialty Company, of Chicago, Illinois, USA (1933)10
Universal (Japan) (1980)40
Universal de Desarrollos Electronicos, S.A.118
Universal Industries (1949-1951)48
Universal Manufacturing Company (1933)10
Universal Novelty Mfg. Co. (1932-1950)41
Universal Space Amusement Co., Ltd., Hong Kong, China10
Unknown Manufacturer3074
V. P. Distributing Company, of St. Louis, Missouri, USA170
Valco Automatenbouw B.V.30
Valley Dynamo, of Richland Hills, Texas (2017)20
Van-Scho Corp (1934)10
Vaprel S.A., of Valencia, Spain10
VEB Luckenwalder Metallwarenfabrik, of Luckenwalde, Germany11
Venture Line (1978)10
Victory Games (1943-1946)270
Victory Sales Co. (1946-1949)70
VIFICO S.A., of Malaga, Spain (1985-1989)131
Viza (1980)39
W. J. C. Vending Co. (1932)10
W. N. Mfg. Co. (1932)10
Waddell Co., Inc. (1932)10
Wal-Bil Novelty Co. (1932)20
Wanghe Mfg. Co., of Youngstown, Ohio10
Ward Bros Novelty Company, of Jersey City, New Jersey, USA10
Warren Manufacturing Company (1932)40
Warren Novelty Co., of Warren, Ohio10
Watling Mfg. Co. (1932-1935)21
Wee Chin Electric Machinery Inc., of Kaohsiung City, Taiwan,
(2017) [Trade Name: WeChe]
Werbeplan GmbH, of Hamburg, Germany10
West & Rosenkranz, of Leipzig, Germany10
Westerhaus Amusement Co. (1943-1947)60
Westerhaus Manufacturing Company, of Cheviot, Ohio30
Western Electric Piano Co. (1932)10
Western Equipment & Supply Co. (1934-1938)461
Western Mfg. Co. (1932)11
Western Products, Inc. (1938-1941)202
Whirlpool Sales Agency Inc. (1932)40
Whiz Ball Mfg. Co. (1932)43
Whizbang Pinball, of Lake Villa, Illinois13
Wico Corp. (1977-1984)318
Widget Mfg. Co. (1931)10
Williams (All Years, All Company Names)10
Williams Electronic Games, Inc., a subsidiary of WMS Inc.7514118
Williams Electronic Manufacturing Co. (1958-1967) 105843
Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1926490
Williams Manufacturing Company (1944-1958) 175548
Willy Michiels (WIMI Games)(Belgium)200
Witzig's Limited, of England71
Wonder Wizard10
World Mfg. Co. (1932)10
Yohio Manufacturing Company20
Yoho & Hooker, of Youngstown, Ohio, USA (1932)20
Zaccaria (Bologna, Italy) (1974-1987)54392
Zenith Mfg. Co. (1932)20
Zizzle Arcade Pinball, of Bannockburn, Illinois (2006)61
Zowie Dist. Co., Inc. (1932)10