The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database or IPSND collects serial numbers of
pinball machines and publishes a database of these on the Internet. Our goal is
to make available a registration of all pinball machines in existence and allow
tools for slicing, dicing and visualization of the data.
Games: 6,703 Serials: 71,955 Visitors: 85,613,103 Members: 5,884 Photos: 47,297 Lat/Lng: 40,460 Masks: 71,955(1,073.47%) Traits: 578 Nudges: 239,803 Backglasses: 1,865
Most Serials: Twilight Zone(1,379) Most Submissions: Dennis Braun(6,200) Most Points: Dennis Braun(46,159) Highest Quality: The Knight(17.00) Most Nudges: pinballservice-nl(31,016)
There are several statistics tables that are available for viewing...
Affiliates by Referrals
| 8,455 |
Currently Banned IP Addresses
| 12,281 |
Most Abusive IP Addresses
| 52,807 |
Games with least percentage of production run registered
| 10,154 |
Games with most percentage of production run registered
| 10,236 |
Games with most Serial Numbers submitted
| 10,153 |
Games with most traits Defined
| 14,363 |
Games with most traits Submitted
| 7,211 |
Games with most Game Parts Submitted
| 9,688 |
Games with most Photos
| 8,628 |
Games with Most GeoLocations
| 7,085 |
Most Recent Backglasses
| 12,361 |
Most Recent Nudges
| 1,328,600 |
Members by Nudge
| 27,070 |
Most Contentious Nudges
| 10,367 |
IPDB Data Updates
| 46,138 |
Non-Masked Games by Submission
| 6,990 |
Most Recent Mask Definitions
| 15,145 |
Missing Backglasses by Submission Count
| 7,957 |
Submissions with Flagged Photos
| 4,810 |
Serial Numbers with most Submissions
| 7,530 |
Serial Registrations by Condition
| 6,661 |
Serial Registrations by Country
| 7,920 |
Serial Registrations by Game Manufactured Year
| 7,573 |
Serial Registrations by Game Type
| 6,350 |
Serial Registrations by MPU
| 7,410 |
Serial Registrations by Manufacturer
| 9,344 |
Top Submitters by Submission Count
| 63,216 |
Most Recent Submissions
| 459,260 |
Most Recent Photo Submissions
| 147,290 |
Submissions By Month
| 7,592 |
Submissions by Day of Week
| 5,887 |
Top Submitters by Points
| 94,505 |
Submissions without Game Assigned
| 7,957 |
Most Popular Searches
| 15,456 |
Most Viewed Games
| 8,188 |
Most Popular Statistics
| 6,798 |
Database Downloads By Month
| 7,045 |
Members by Donation Total
| 5,618 |
©2006-2025 : The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database
All trademarks and copyrighted materials remain property of their respective owners.
All copyrighted and trademarked Gottlieb® material is pending license from Gottlieb Development LLC.
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