The following traits

have been submitted for this game...
There are no traits submitted for this game |
This section lists any known game part serials that happen to match this game's
serial mask (if defined). What this can tell you is if a game has any orphaned parts
that might exist in other machines. This generally applies to CPU/MPU boards, Driver
Boards, Display boards etc that are easily moved from game to game. Repair shops
and distributors often robbed parts from other 'scrap' games laying around
in a pinch if they were not able to fix the original part or of the original part
was damaged beyond repair. If serials start showing up in the database as 'game
parts', there is potentially a good chance that that game has been parted out
completely, which is unfortunate. It is becoming more and more common for people
to part out games and sell them on ebay simply because the seller can often make
more money that way.... Please do not sacrifice complete games for money!!!
This section lists any known information about how to physically find serial numbers
on games created by this manufacturer. For all manufacturer tips, please visit the
Serial Tips Page
. (
Please do not post serial numbers
here on this form.)
1/11/2007 11:42:34 PM
Bill Ung
60's games most often had the serial number stamped into the wood cabinet directly below the right flipper button. The serial number was a 4-digit number. For games manufactured from the mid 70's onwards, the serial number is located on the left- hand side of the headpiece (while facing the game), up near the top. The serial number I got off of Centaur was: ECE4682. From more recent data, it seems that Bally serial numbers of that era start with an E (perhaps for "Electronic") followed by two letters that identify the machine and then a serial number of three or four digits. On Bally games from around 1986 to 1988 there are two numbers on the game. One is a six digit number sticker near the FBI warning on the back, and this is not the serial number. The real serial number is a three or four digit number printed at the top of the right-hand side of the head (while facing the game) and on a bar code sticker mid-left in the cabinet (although this sticker sometimes falls off.)
6/27/2007 12:09:07 PM
Jess Askey
I just noticed on my Centaur (1981), that my displays have serial number stickers on them. I didn't know that Bally games had serial numbers on the PCB's that matched the cabinet serial number. The stickers don't seem to be of the best quality though, I only had two stickers with serial numbers out of the 5 displays.
11/11/2007 11:15:26 PM
Jess Askey
On Pre-Flipper woodrails like 1946's Surf Queens, the serial number is stamped into the wood where the right flipper button would soon be.
10/7/2008 9:09:14 AM
Arm Binger
All Bally E/M-Machines have their serial-numbers stamped below or beneath the right flipper-button and also on the right side of the litebox. Serial always started with 1000. Solid-State Machines from Bally have the numbers on the left side.
11/17/2008 3:12:37 AM
Matt Rusk
Also on most 70's bally machines there is a manufacture's certificate stapled somewhere inside the cabinet, usually somewhere near the coin box.
4/23/2009 11:19:49 PM
King of Pinball
On a 1975 Air Aces, the serial number may appear in at least 4 places. As is typical of Bally machines, it is stamped into the wood under the right flipper button. Second, it is printed on a bar-code sticker on the inside of the coin door in the format "Air Aces xxxx." The 5 digit number just above that is not the serial number. In addition, the last 3 digits of the 4 digit number may be stamped twice in ink on the wood just behind the coinbox. You will need to remove the coinbox and these 2 numbers will be clearly visable on the wood facing you as you look into the coin door opening.
6/28/2009 8:28:14 PM
Paul Dadd
Found 'Hay Ride' serial on "manufacturers certificate" in far upper right of playfield under glass.
8/21/2009 12:05:35 PM
William Smith
I just had a bally CYPRESS GARDENS machine given to me. The serial number that I have found is located on the right side of the head piece near the top and forward of center. My serial number is C3471. I have no idea what it means or why it is what it is.
10/12/2009 11:36:38 PM
Jay Stafford
Bally EM numbers started with 1001, not 1000. The first game would be 1001.
7/30/2010 3:48:07 PM
Roger Fredrich
Space Invaders 1980
Number is on the left side at the cabinet near the left flipper button. Not easy to read it correctly :-(
10/23/2010 1:46:49 PM
King of Pinball
For early 30's games, the serial number can be in varying places. On a 1935 Jumbo, for example, it can be under the glass stamped into the metal frame holding the instruction card. Or, it can be stamped into the wood on the outside, on the back of the cabinet. However, it will not normally be in both locations.
8/17/2011 6:55:14 AM
Steve Fulton
My Ballys Space Invaders 1980 game has the serial in these places: stamped in the outside left side of main cabinet, stamped in the outside left side of backglass cabinet, stapled paper behind coin box, matching stickers on each electronic board behind the backglass, and also a matching sticker on the back of every LCD score screen.
11/15/2014 1:05:21 PM
My 1976 Bally Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy has serial # carved in the outside left side of main cabinet and carved in the outside left side of backglass cabinet.
11/16/2014 10:21:40 AM
Charles Ritter
Found SN on power supply, and processor boards
3/7/2015 1:35:54 PM
Pistol Pete
On Bally Bingo games the serial numbers are found on the right side of the head/backbox, the top arch of the playfield and by one of the right light shields on the playfield.
This game has the following serial number formats defined in the database. As serial
numbers are sumbitted, trends are recognized and defined or information about a
serial number format is collected through historical information.
Production Game
EBMX1002, EBMX1016, EBMX1022
The Serial Bot Summary information here gives a detailed explanation of the Serial
Bot analysis for this specific game. The theory behind the Serial Bot is this...
Every game has many many serial number submissions, the goal of the IPSND is not
to guarantee that *all* information is 100% correct but that over time, the system
should automatically devalue inaccurate submissions while increasing the value of
correct submissions.
You may click on the SerialBot score of any submission to see how it was calculated.
SerialBot Color Codes:
- Not Validated
The serial number submission has not yet been validated by the submitter via email.
- Unknown
There is no known information on the serial number format for this game yet. As
more submissions are received we can start to make a best guess on the serial number
- Good
If a serial does not fail any of the tests for a status of Warning or Bad, then
it is good.
- Suspect
A serial will have a suspect status if the format is technically correct but there
is something wrong with the data. Examples might be that the number might be too
high or low for the known range of serials for this game.
- Bad
If a game has a serial number definition mask defined for it, then a serial may
be marked as 'bad' if the number does not validate agains the mask. Masks are created
for games by looking at known serial number formats and consist of a regular expression
to define the format of a game serial.
SerialBot Scores:
1 Point
Awarded if the serial number has a game assigned to it. This autoatically makes
submissions with a known game more valuable than submissions without a known game.
1 Point
Awarded if the serial number has been 'verified' by the submitter. A submission
is 'verifed' if the submitter clicks on the link in the email sent to them for each
submission. The basis for this rule is that submissions by people that do not take
the time to respond to the email might be entering garbage data and/or giving fake
email addresses. However, it is common for 'verification' emails to get stuck in
spam filters etc, so, members may have 'verification' emails re-sent at any time.
1 Point
Awarded if the submitted serial number matches one of the predefined serial number
masks for this game.
1 Point
Awarded if the serial number was marked as 'Physically Viewed' during the submission
process. This is an interesting distinction as there are many times that serial
numbers are submitted off owners lists, Ebay auction, etc. While these serial numbers
are valuable, they may also be innacurate. In comparison, Physically Viewed serial
number submissions are numbers that the submitter has actually been in front of
the machine reading the number and then submitting it. Since it is more likely to get
a good visual from a physically viewed machine, this gains an extra point.
1 Point
If a photo is uploaded with the serial number submission. The submission automatically gains an additional point. Be aware
however that this opens the submission up to 'Nudges' by members where even more points can be added or subtracted based upon the
quality and accuracy of the photo.
-3 to +3 Points
Members can 'Nudge' every sumitted photo once and give it an extra boost of 1 point or take away 1 point depending if the
photo matches the submitted serial number. While any number of members may nudge a serial, the nudging can only affect the score
by +/- 3 points in either direction.
The following map shows the locations of all serial numbers that were submitted with a geolocation...