The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database or IPSND collects serial numbers of pinball machines and publishes a database of these on the Internet. Our goal is to make available a registration of all pinball machines in existence and allow tools for slicing, dicing and visualization of the data.

Games: 6,703  Serials: 69,691  Visitors: 78,858,158  Members: 5,734  Photos: 45,147  Lat/Lng: 38,491  Masks: 69,691(1,039.70%)  Traits: 572  Nudges: 228,971  Backglasses: 1,865
  Most Serials: Twilight Zone(1,341)  Most Submissions: Dennis Braun(6,144)  Most Points: Dennis Braun(45,740)  Highest Quality: The Knight(17.00)  Most Nudges: pinballservice-nl(29,169)
Submitter: James Hoxsey
Member Since: Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Submissions: 7 (428th)
SerialBot: 64 Points Total (235th), 9.14 Average Score (508th)
Nudges: 0(0th)
DateGameSerialNumberGame PartSerialBotDetails
5/14/2011 Red & Ted's Road Show 53324103280 Complete Game 53324103280
5/14/2011 Twilight Zone 52720215101 Complete Game 52720215101
5/14/2011 Whirlwind 574332523 Complete Game 574332523
5/14/2011 Earthshaker 568210268 Complete Game 568210268
5/14/2011 Funhouse 50003I575311 Complete Game 50003I575311
5/14/2011 Star Trek: The Next Generation 53323483141 Complete Game 53323483141
5/14/2011 Black Knight 2000 563241421 Complete Game 563241421