The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database or IPSND collects serial numbers of
pinball machines and publishes a database of these on the Internet. Our goal is
to make available a registration of all pinball machines in existence and allow
tools for slicing, dicing and visualization of the data.
Games: 6,703 Serials: 71,660 Visitors: 84,679,716 Members: 5,860 Photos: 47,017 Lat/Lng: 40,199 Masks: 71,660(1,069.07%) Traits: 574 Nudges: 238,375 Backglasses: 1,865
Most Serials: Twilight Zone(1,378) Most Submissions: Dennis Braun(6,193) Most Points: Dennis Braun(46,101) Highest Quality: The Knight(17.00) Most Nudges: pinballservice-nl(30,704)
SerialBot Score: | |
Assigned Game: | +1 |
Matches Mask: | +1 |
Trait Data: | 0 |
Verified: | +1 |
Has Photo: | +1 |
Physically Viewed: | +1 |
Nudge Total: | +3 |
Total Score: | |
Submission Certificate
Serial Number:
Submitted By:
King of Pinball
Submit Date:
Game Part:
Complete Game
United States
Although the tag says "Lite Box," this is on the coin door of a Gulfstream. The number is not consistent with a GulfStream serial number, and doesn't seem to fit in any of the other sets of Williams numbers for machines within that general time period that are currently registered. It seems to be in between the Swinger and Fan-Tas-Tic numbers. The Mr. Pinball Price guide lists another machine that might possibly be between those 2 machines, "Big Time" with an estimate of less than 569 machines manufactured. That machine is not listed here or on the IPDB. Could it belong to one of those machines? Or maybe it is from a Swinger or a Fan-Tas-Tic?
SerialBot Says:
Serial number matches format of a Production Game
Members can nudge SerialBot scores!!
Submitted Photo:
(hover for zoom window)
This Submission:
Submitted Location:
Other Submissions for this Serial Number:
There are no other submissions of this serial number for this game. |
Nudge History:
Nudging Closed On:
10/3/2013 9:44:25 PM
10/3/2013 | Pat Herbert | 1 | |
10/3/2013 | Matías N. Brusa | 1 | |
10/3/2013 | Antti Peltonen | 1 | |
10/3/2013 | Shawn Christian | 1 | |
10/3/2013 | Richard Hall | 1 | |
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