The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database or IPSND collects serial numbers of pinball machines and publishes a database of these on the Internet. Our goal is to make available a registration of all pinball machines in existence and allow tools for slicing, dicing and visualization of the data.

Games: 6,708  Serials: 72,795  Visitors: 87,996,131  Members: 5,939  Photos: 48,116  Lat/Lng: 41,177  Masks: 72,795(1,085.20%)  Traits: 578  Nudges: 243,932  Backglasses: 1,865
  Most Serials: Twilight Zone(1,390)  Most Submissions: Dennis Braun(6,218)  Most Points: Dennis Braun(46,303)  Highest Quality: The Knight(17.00)  Most Nudges: pinballservice-nl(31,660)

Game Serial Number Submission Form:

It is extremely important that serial numbers submitted are accurate. If you have questions about finding your serial number please refer to the Finding Serial Numbers page.

  1. Fill out the form below with required + optional fields.
  2. Verify the Serial Numbers entered for accuracy, then Submit.
  3. Check your email at the address specified in the submission.
  4. If you are a member, then you are done. Your submission is automatically submitted and verified.
  5. If you are not a member, you will receive an email to verify your submission. Click the verification link in your email to complete the process.
Private fields are not viewable to the Public and are not shared.

You are about to submit serial numbers for the following game...

Black Knight - Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) - November 1980

Please fill in the following Information: (fields in blue are required)


The name you enter here is publicly viewable to everyone on the site. You may use this name to group all your submissions so be sure to enter a name that is the same as your previous submissions. Since email addresses are not visible to site users, this is the main identity field.

Your Name:

Your email address is not publicly viewable via the site but must be a valid address as the submission verification will be sent to this address. If submissions are not verified within 30 days, they are removed from the database. Be sure to keep your email addresses consistent across submissions in order to keep your submissions under the same account. In the future, you may be contacted at this email address with questions about your submissions.

Your Email: PRIVATE

You may enter your website here. There will be a link to this site from your submission details.

Your Website:

Enter the country that the game is currently in. Please do not enter your country if the game is located in a different country. We are trying to track serial trends and where games were shipped from the distributor.


Enter the serial number of your game here. Be sure to verify your serial in multiple places on the game if possible as it can be difficult to read serial numbers especially when they are stamped into the wood.

Serial Number:
Note: Spaces and dashes are removed automatically

Some games have a serial number that is formatted specifically for that game, it may have a special prefix/suffix or have special characters in the middle of the number. Be sure to enter your serial number in the format examples as shown otherwise the site will not accept your submission.


It is often the case that game serials can be registered by non-owners when a game is at a show etc. We want to be able to distinguish ownership if possible.

Owner Status:


It is important for us to distinguish between serial numbers tha have been submitted by physically reading them off a game vs. serial submissions that come from other sources such as owner's list, auctions, RPG posts or other sources. The value of these other sources is still there but they inherently have a little less value simply because there is more chance of error since the submitter is not looking at the actual machine.

Collection Method:


Specify if the serial number you are registering is for a complete games, just the backbox or just the cabinet. You may also specify that the serial number you are submitting is for a game part such as a CPU, Driver or other PCB. It is common for games to have PCB's from other games due to repairs etc. These are still valuable to us as they verify the existence of serial numbers. If you submit a game part serial number under a specific game, that serial will not be directly linked to that game but will be put into the database as a stand alone serial number.

Game Part:
(What Happened to Game Parts?)

It is common for games to have a datestamp somewhere on them, it is often stamped on the edge of the playfield plywood on the front edge. It is occaisionaly on the side edge. It is also common for games not to have this date anywhere on the cabinet. Please only submit dates that are on the game itself, not from other sources.

Date Stamps:

Specify if the game or part is complete, only of value as parts or unknown to you.

Game Condition:

You may add any additional comments about your submission here. If there is something special you know about the game (known prototype, oddities, artwork differences, etc) please enter it here.



You can now specify a physical location of the game with the registered serial number, this allows us to over time track and map games around the world!!

Game Location:
* all search fields optional
  Please select the location of the actual serial number and not your location.
You may simply skip this section if you do not want to submit a Lattitude/Longitude location.

You may either upload a photo from your local computer or specify the URL of a photo of your submission. The photo will be automatically uploaded to the database and stored with your submission. Please only upload clear and readable photos of the Serial Number Only, a general picture of the entire game is not needed. PLEASE DO NOT UPLOAD OTHER PEOPLES PHOTOS FROM IPDB.ORG!!!! Thank you.

Photograph of Serial Number:
IMPORTANT: Please do not upload photos from the Internet Pinball Database, their privacy policy states that photos are property of their respective owners, you need to get permission from the photographer to upload the photo here! Thank you!
upload preview
Upload Local File:
Web URL:
- Please upload only .jpg photos that show the Serial number clearly.
- File size limit is 2 Meg.
- Actual image will be shown larger than the preview image to the right.

Game Traits are properties that you or anyone else can add to a game in the IPSND. There are instances where a particular game model may have features, printing differences or other properties that changed through the production run of the game. It is often interesting to find trends about these features and collect info on what exact serial number range that feature existed on. An example is Williams 1981 game Jungle Lord which had two different cabinet colors, red and blue.

Game Traits: (Submit your own custom Fields)

Has Faceted Inserts - Most games had special faceted inserts. According to Steve Richie the game designer... "Black Knight was the first game ever to employ faceted inserts (the transparent inlaid plastic windows) in the playfield. My design was a simple eight-sided "Jewel Look", but insert texturing progressed from there to many different designs, finally settling on refracting radial lines originating at the center of round and rectangular inserts and from points of arrows and lightning bolts, etc." Reproduction playfields do not have faceted inserts as described but instead have the more common 'starburst' inserts which have radially emanating lines.

System 7 Power Supply. - Black Knight used two diferent power supplies, the System 6 version with the transformer in the head, and the system 7 version with the transformer in the cabinet.

CPU DIP SWITCHES - Some early Sys 7 games had CPU/MPU boards with 2 x DIP switches, 2 x Diagnostic switches and 2 x LEDs extra to the 7 segment displays. I'm interested if this was the early BK games with Transformer in the backbox.

SBA Coin Mech - Some have the Susan B. Anthony Coin Mech installed in the center coin location with the yellow "Dollars" insert.

Multiball lamp insert - The majority of games used red arrowhead inserts for multiball lamp. However, some very early machines apparently used green inserts here.

Multiball Plastic Protector - Some games had a steel plate installed under the plastic that covers the multiball trough in order to protect that plastic from breaking.

Ball trough microswitches - Due to quality control issues with incorrectly manufactured leaf switches, Williams produced a retrofit set that converted the lower ball trough and multiball lock trough to use microswitches instead of leaf switches.

Drop Bank Rebound Switches - The original playfield design had a switch behind three of the four banks of drop targets (there was no room for this in the upper left drop bank). When the targets were down, the ball would hit the rebound rubber behind the targets and thus hit this switch. The switch was removed because it was not hit much. The timers would reset the drop target banks, so these switches weren't exposed often enough to justify the cost of keeping them. Three images are presented here of the center drop target bank, as an example. The left image is the flyer game, and a blue circle has been drawn around this switch. When games did not have this switch, the playfield might still have the cut out for it (center image). Your game may not even have the cut out (right image).

Cabinet Bottom Material - Games seemed to have been manufactured with different materials on the bottom of the cabinet. This may have been due to Williams using two different cabinet companies because Black Knight was such a hot seller.

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